Friday, November 12, 2010

Papaya Atchara

1 cup coarse salt
1 head garlic
20 or more native onions
2 red sweet bell pepper
2 green pepper, sliced
green papaya


Grate green papaya and for every 8 cups of grated papaya, add 1 cup coarse salt. Work with hands and express the juice. Wrap papaya by handfuls in a cheesecloth to express the juice better. Soak in plain vinegar overnight. The next day express most of the vinegar of the papaya. Mix the rest of the ingredients together and pack loosely in clean jars. Make a syrup out of vinegar sugar and salt.

Sour pickle - 1 cup vinegar to 1/2 cup sugar and 1 tsp. salt
Sweet/sour pickle - 1 cup vinegar to 2/3 cup sugar and 1 tsp salt
Sweet pickle - 1 cup vinegar to 3/4 cup sugar and 1 tsp salt

Boil the syrup once or just long enough to melt the sugar and salt. Cool a little and pour into bottles of prepared vegetables. Remove air bubbles. Seal tightly.

*** To make your atchara more appetizing add some pineapples, raisins, carrots and or garlic.

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